- Cancellation policy
There is a 30 day cancellation period for direct debits.
There are no refunds if a child is absent from the class. This includes sickness, injury and holidays etc.
Refunds are only available if the class is cancelled by the teacher/school. If this should occur, you will be notified of this at the earliest convenience via email. - Student registration
New students must be registered via class for kids. This system will provide us with important details ensuring students safety and welfare whilst in our care
Existing students can update their details via class for kids. It is important for contact details to be up to date in all instances, especially emergencies. - Trial classes
New students are offered a trial session, in which their lesson is free before signing up for the rest of the month. This allows the student to settle in and meet their teacher and teaching assistant. The teacher can then access if the class is right for them, age and ability wise.
Students must be registered before attending the trial session via class for kids. Only one trial class is given free of charge. - Fees
Payments are on a direct debit mandate. Due to our cancellation policy, we will need 30 days notice for all direct debits. Fees must be paid in full to ensure your child’s space in their class is kept. Direct debits are taken on the 1st of every calendar month. - Uniform
All uniforms can be purchased via the website. Purchased uniforms will be given to the children/parent at their class or sent in the post with postage added to their item.
If students are wearing unsuitable items, we may ask for them to be removed. If a student’s clothing is unsuitable, they may not be allowed to participate as it is deemed as unsafe.
No jewellery apart from stud earrings should be worn to in dance classes for health and safety reasons. If jewellery is worn for religious observance, please inform the teacher on arrival to the class. - Mini ballet classes
Any children under the age of 3 must have a parent or guardian present at all times.
Props are used during the mini ballet classes, however we are not liable if any props are ingested during the class. The grown up attending the class with the child is fully responsible for the child in question. - Drop off classes
We ask that parents drop off and pick up their children on time and ask that the parents do not stay and watch the class. This is to avoid distraction for the children and disturbance caused to the class.
Please send your child to the class in suitable clothing and with a drink (just water). Snacking and eating in class is not allowed, this included gum and sweets.
Students are responsible for their own property. Please ensure all clothing and shoes have names on them to prevent items getting lost.
Physical contact by the teacher to the student is necessary to correct form, posture etc.
We cannot be held responsible for any children left unattended outside of the class. If you wish for your child to be unattended outside of the class/on the premises we cannot be held responsible. It is your responsibility if you wish for your child to go home unsupervised, however we will need your permission. - Injury during class
We are not liable for any injury during class.
There will always be a first aider present during all classes. Parents will be notified of any injuries obtained. Parents maybe asked to collect if a child has bumped heads to ensure children are monitored. - Your responsibilities; Please ensure all medical information is regularly updated via class for kids. This includes injuries, disabilities, medical information etc. The dance school cannot be held responsible for these reasons if parents/carers fail to keep us informed. Please ensure any medical items (including inhalers and EpiPens) are accessible during every class and teachers are informed of where these are kept. Ensure all belongings are named. We cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of valuables, baggage or personal property.
- Social media; When agreeing to our terms and conditions, we ask parents/guardians to grant permission for The Tiny Ballet Company/Lallet Ltd to take photographs and videos of the students. We ask for full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. Please do not share anything on social media that includes are other children other than your own. Any videos sent to our parents Whats-app group chats is not to be shared via social media
- Behaviour Policy; During sessions, students are expected to behave in a polite manner. They are expected to listen and we discourage unnecessary talking. If a student is causing disruption to others’ learning they may be asked to leave the lesson. Any unacceptable behaviour from students and/or parents/carers will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behaviour by pupils may result in exclusion from current and/or further activities. Parents or family members may be banned from premises, events and/or performances.
- Anti-Bullying Policy; The Tiny Ballet Company/Lallet ltd recognise that every child has the right to enjoy a life free from bullying; therefore we will always take seriously all allegations of bullying and are committed to deal with it effectively when it does happen. We will always endeavour to work with students and parents to prevent it from happening.
- Health and Safety; The Tiny Ballet Company/Lallet Ltd take their responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all participants seriously, including but not limiting, teachers, students teachers, parents, visitors and volunteers; and takes appropriate measures to make sure the environment is safe for all. The School will undertake regular risk assessments regarding premises hired and any concerns will be raised with the providers. Dance is as an active engagement as any sport, and whilst every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained via any means. Our full Health and Safety procedures can be found here.
- Safeguarding; Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of all children in our care. As such we believe that we have a duty to the children, parents/main carers and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. All staff and volunteers employed directly by The Tiny Ballet Company/Lallet Ltd will be DBS Checked before the commencement of their employment, first aid trained and have all taken safeguarding children certification. Should a visitor not have full DBS clearance they will not be left alone with minors. You can find our full Child Protection Policy Statement here. It sets out the procedures that will be taken if we have reason to believe a child in our care is subject to emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect. The Tiny Ballet Company/Lallet Ltd will not disclose your contact information to third parties except where the law allows or requires, or where you have given permission to do so. We may from time to time contact you individually about other carefully selected The Tiny Ballet Company services which we think may be of interest to you. The Tiny Ballet Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for the benefit of the business, staff or participants.
Appropriate Physical Contact Policy Teaching dance is a physical activity and appropriate physical contact between students and teachers in class in essential to training. The Tiny Ballet Company recognise that such physical contact is a potentially complex area, and the company also fully recognises it’s responsibilities for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare. The following principles and procedures are in place to fulfil the company’s obligations:
a) Contact by the teacher is made with a particular awareness of the needs of each individual to assist the dancer in correcting placement.
b) All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care, and with due regard for the wishes of the student.
c) Contact will not involve force or the use of any instrument.
d) Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated from the student; a one to one class should be held in studios and dance areas with windows or with the parent/carer present.
e) Students and parents are encouraged to discuss any worries with any member of staff or an independent listener.
All staff members are safeguarding trained. - Workshops with TTBC and Play at Lallet; There are no refunds if your child is absent from a workshop. This includes sickness, injury and holidays etc. Refunds are only available if the workshop is cancelled by the teacher/school. You will be notified of this at the earliest convenience. All drop off clubs at Lallet run from 3-4 hours and children bring their own packed lunch and water bottle which should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. Lallet runs a strict no nuts policy. If your child has an allergy, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform us (please refer back to paragraph 9). Drop off for Lallet is from 12pm and pick up is anytime from 2-3pm. At Lallet, we bring toys and equipment suitable for children from 2.5 years old. Lallet will not be held responsible for any ingestion of toys.